Fear not. Today. I Will be sharing with you all the best Quarantine Starter Pack for you all. With over 100 games, movies, TV series, music, and software, you wouldn’t be in need of anything else, at least for this long welcomed break. So without further ado, here are the required files.

Quarantine Starter Pack: Games, Movies, TV Series, Music, and Softwares

All these files have been shared over to Google Drive because the Silicon Valley Giants have the best server in town. It could very efficiently handle huge traffics and you wouldn’t notice any downloading issue (if it itsn’t related to your network :D). On that note, take the Quarantine Starter Pack and bid adieu to your family members for the next 21 days! Well, if you are enjoying them, which you will for sure, then please do your bit and share it with your friends and peers too. Stay Safe, Quarantine and Chill!









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